Streets Of Chance Activism

👁️‍🗨️ Voluntary Assisted Dying: A Right Denied

Last Updated: 3 months, 2 weeks ago

The Right To Die With Dignity Is By And Large, Illegal

(And In No Small Part Due To Religiously-Motivated Legislation)

Bodily Autonomy is a Fundamental Human Right

I was watching this video by Rachel Oates on the (honestly surprisingly unrelated) topic of pronatalism, where she at some juncture branched out into discussing the importance of the general principle of bodily autonomy, and a particular quote of hers during the video jumped out at me and I just had to talk about it, as it raises a topic which has been bothering me a lot lately which the video finally brought to the surface (even more than it's already been, anyway).

"We can still choose... honestly whether we're still alive or not."

Assisted Suicide is Illegal in Most Countries

Actually, no, we cannot. Teaching moment here and tragic story: assisted suicide is illegal in most countries. Switzerland is, in fact, the only country in the world where voluntary assisted dying (VAD) aka the right to die with dignity is both available and legal for non-citizens, through exactly one possible facility - and even then it has to be assisted suicide - i.e. the final step has to be taken by the person themselves: so the person needs to have the capability to do this (ie they still have to be able to physically move). Sir Terry Pratchett, who died from Alzheimer's, was a big advocate of this right.

A Personal Story

I have a close friend who has to make the expensive journey all the way there in order to finally end her suffering from severe ME/CFS (a degenerative also misunderstood and ignored illness which may too late get funding for further study due to long covid also causing this condition) because the right to die with dignity is denied her, like so many, in no small part thanks to religious politicians who think ending life is a "sin" (except when it suits them of course, eg death penalty and stand your ground laws etc).

These politicians would prefer to have her suffer for years in a state of total paralysis and excruciating pain. Fortunately she is privileged in that her partner and carer has a high salary and should be able to afford the trip by early next year, but it is still a race against time before she loses the functionality in her body to fulfil her own wish and end her suffering.

Campaign For The Right To Assisted Death (Death With Dignity) In Your Country

So if my readers here ever have an opportunity to campaign for the right to die with dignity in your own countries (and not only for citizens), knowing how this right affects people who are denied this right to end their suffering and to depart on their terms, please do!

Take ME/CFS Seriously!

ME/CFS is a serious and often tragically misunderstood and underestimated illness, which has for too long been misattributed to being a social and psychological condition rather than a degenerative neurological disorder, to the detriment of many sufferers.

If you have ME/CFS please take this illness seriously. Many sufferers do not know it is degenerative and there are ways to slow the progression - read up on it, take your care seriously - do not overstrain yourself and there are preventative things you can do to manage your illness and slow this progression. Please prioritise your health and rest and surround yourself with people who properly support and understand your needs!

Campaign For Further Research into ME/CFS

While it is too late to save my friend, it is crucial there is more funding for further study into this degenerative neurological condition. Fortunately, it is possible it may finally start to receive more research, due to Long Covid also causing being a cause of ME/CFS - so it has gotten a lot more attention of late. Sadly if this attention had been received earlier, possibly more could have been done earlier to help sufferers of Long Covid, but hopefully that research will still help a good many people, hopefully many existing sufferers of this condition included.

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